Neale Morison's Music - Composing with Computers

In 2007 I audited the MIT course 21M.361, Composing with Computers. Below are some compositions created as assignments for this course. Preparation of some kind may be required before listening. Try just waiting to hear what happens next. If you approach this stuff the wrong way, it may sound like random noise.

Concert piece mix mp3 1 (7.5 Mb)

Sections in order of appearance:

0:001.3 Found soundThe Infernal Machine
0:123.2.4 Noisy soundWe are Experiencing Technical Difficulties
0:191.3 Found soundThe Infernal Machine part 2
0:453.2.2 Convolution beautiful soundBells of Bedlam
1:102.2 Feedback with ReverbFeeding Frenzy
2:203.3 DSPTrumpets of an Ancient Faith
3:223.2.4 Noisy soundWe are Experiencing Technical Difficulties
3:274.4 Max/MSP Improvisation MachineMy Fellow Australians
5:203.3 DSPTrumpets of an Ancient Faith reprise

This piece probably sounds best played pretty loudly on a system with a subwoofer, or on good headphones

To save files locally,

1 Mp3 file. Play with mp3 player like iPod or mp3 software such as WinAmp, Windows Media Player, or iTunes.


See also Neale Morison's Music page.